Chiropractic Care and Addressing Sinus Congestion
Can Chiropractic Help My Sinus Issues?
Here in the Midwest, we love to discuss the weather, and with the upcoming arrival of spring, many of us also have springtime allergies to go along with it (or even leftover sinus issues from the winter months). Sinus issues can cause many very uncomfortable symptoms like headaches and pressure-like pain, facial tenderness, congestion, and even difficulty breathing. While these symptoms can be irritating, unpleasant, or even debilitating, there are many treatments available. Did you know that Chiropractic care is one of them? Treatment with Chiropractic is a holistic approach that can help relieve sinus issues and improve overall health and wellbeing.
Maxillary and Frontal Sinuses in the Face
So, what are sinuses anyway? Sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull and are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes. They secrete a thin mucus to protect against infection and humidify the air you breathe before it reaches your lungs. Healthy sinuses contain no bacteria and most of the time, air can freely flow through, and mucus is able to drain. The sinuses can become inflamed and swollen (sinusitis) due to factors like a swift change in altitude or barometric pressure (hello rapidly changing weather!), allergies, and the common cold. When this happens, the sinuses can become blocked and cause all the symptoms above and more.
Chiropractic care can address many of the underlying factors that lead to sinus issues and provide relief when the sinuses are actively inflamed. Here at Mind and Body, we offer specialized adjustments that are tailored to your specific needs, sinuses included. Since your sinuses are connected to your bone structure, we can adjust your cranial and facial bones to enhance sinus drainage. These types of adjustments are very light force and can significantly alleviate sinus cavity pressure. Tension in the muscles of the upper back and neck or a misaligned vertebra can also contribute to the irritation of the sinuses. Adjustments or muscle release techniques help to decrease irritation to the nerves and promotes better circulation which can reduce the inflammation causing the sinus pressure.
Chiropractic care may help with sinus congestion!
Since your sinuses are connected to your bone structure, chiropractors can gently adjust your cranial and facial bones to enhance sinus drainage.
While treatment with a Chiropractor can reduce or relieve sinusitis, there are many things you can do at home to help ease your symptoms as well:
Breathe in steam through your nose.
Rinse out your sinuses with saline or a mixture of salt, baking soda, and distilled water (*recipe will be listed below).
Press a warm washcloth to your face several times per day.
Use a humidifier to keep the air moist in your home.
If you are experiencing sinus issues or any of the associated symptoms, we at Mind and Body Family Wellness have qualified chiropractors to help get things moving! We also have other modalities that may help, like Acupuncture, herbal supplements, and more. We would love to help!
Wishing you a clear head and heart,
~Dr. Chelsey
Doctor of Chiropractic | Mind and Body Family Wellness
*Sinus Rinse:
In a clean container mix:
3 tsp iodide-free salt
1 tsp baking soda
Store in a small airtight container. Add 1 tsp of the mixture to 8 ounces of lukewarm distilled (or boiled) water. If any burning or stinging is experienced, use less dry ingredients to make a weaker solution.