Chiropractic FAQ
There can be many side effects to getting a chiropractic adjustment! Among the most commonly reported are feeling more relaxed and calm, experiencing increased mobility of the spine, improved focus, more restful sleep, a decrease in pain, better balance, enhanced immune function, lessened stress, and overall just feeling “lighter”.
Other side effects of adjustments may include a brief period of muscle soreness, fatigue, or minor headache. These may be the result of the body starting to move and communicate with the brain again. Ask your chiropractor if you have any questions about side effects of Chiropractic care.
It really depends on the person and what is going on with the body.
Chronic Pain: For people who have experienced chronic pain and are just starting chiropractic care, the doctor may recommend coming in once or multiple times weekly for a period of time.
Minor Set-back: For those who have been feeling well but experience a fall or illness, they may need to come in two-three times for a week or two to “get back to normal”.
Pregnancy: When growing a baby, women need consistent support to help accommodate the rapid changes of the gestating body. Most pregnant patients visit every 2-4 weeks for the first two trimesters and weekly for most of the third trimester. After giving birth to a new bundle of joy, new mamas help their body recover by receiving gentle adjustments weekly for 6-8 weeks.
Newborns and Infants: After an exciting exodus from the womb and a bright welcome into a whole new world, many newborns need a gentle adjustment to balance their nervous systems and assist in laying the best possible foundation for their new lives. The doctors suggest adjusting once a week for the first several weeks of life. For the remainder of the first year, it is recommended your child is checked at least monthly as they make many major life transitions in a short period of time.
Wellness or Maintenance: Most of our patients use Chiropractic care to complement their wellness routine and keep them at the top of their game. For those patients, we recommend coming once every 2-6 weeks, depending on the individual needs and preferences of the patient.
Because Chiropractic emphasizes care of the whole person and addressing the cause, not just the symptoms, there are wide variety of complaints that may improve and/or resolve with Chiropractic care. Chiropractic may help with, but not limited to, any of the following:
Acid Reflux
Ankle sprain/strain
Back Pain
Bone Spurs
Breast feeding/Nursing
Breech Baby Position
Bulging Discs
Carpal Tunnel
Digestive Disorders
Ear Ache/Infection
Foot Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Head Injury
Hip Pain
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Knee Pain
Muscle Spasms
Neck Pain
Numbness and Tingling
Poor Posture
Pregnancy Discomfort
Reflux in Infants
Shoulder Pain
Sleep Disorders
Tennis Elbow
Wellness Care
And more…
There are many reasons people seek out Chiropractic care. From the back pain to headaches, sleeping trouble to ankle pain, our doctors enjoy working with all ages who need help with a variety of conditions and complaints. However, most of our patients maintain regular Chiropractic appointments because they feel well and want to stay that way.