Chiropractic Care
At Mind and Body Family Wellness, the primary health care modality is Chiropractic Care. Our doctors use a blend of adjusting techniques incorporating manual techniques, as well as, light touch techniques that do not include the traditional “popping” and “twisting”. Adjustment styles include a well-rounded variety of techniques so each person will be comfortable with care.
Chiropractic Care for Everyone
What is Chiropractic Care?
At Mind and Body Family Wellness, we take into account the physical, chemical and emotional stressors that inhibit proper nervous system communication. Our doctors listen to the concerns and needs of each patient, perform a comprehensive exam to determine the physical stressors of the body, deliver a specific chiropractic adjustment, discuss chemical changes to help the body decrease inflammation (dietary changes, adding vitamins and supplements, using essential oils, etc.), and address the emotional patterns affecting physical health. Now that’s WHOLE-istic!
Chiropractors conduct a thorough history and examination of each individual patient to determine causes of nervous system inhibition.
Physical Stressors
These can cause a decrease in proper motion of the spine, cranials, and extremity joints. When an area of the spine no longer moves correctly, the brain stops getting updated information from that part of the body. Delivering a chiropractic adjustment to a restricted area of the spine restores normal motion and enhances the ability of the body to better adapt to its internal and external environment.
Chemical Stressors
These include anything that causes inflammation in the body:
smoking, medications, vaccinations, certain cleaning products, pesticides, pollution, and more. By recognizing and removing these stressors, our bodies are more free to properly recover and heal.
Emotional Stressors
These may be root cause of many of the physical and chemical inhibitors of health. These may include traumas from the past, like abuse, poor romantic relationships, bullying, witnessing intense events, death of a loved one, and so on. By addressing the physiological component of current and past emotional stressors, the body can be more free to express wellness.