What is Neuroprocessing?
Neuroprocessing is a new approach to aligning mind and body belief systems to help accelerate the healing process AND rapidly create new patterns and habits to change your life.
Often, people are encouraged to recite affirmations to help shift an old thought process. For example, “I love my body” or “I easily attract the job of my dreams” or “It is easy to let go of the past”. However, if the cellular belief system in the body does not agree with the affirmation, it is much harder to create change.
Neuroprocessing uses the patient’s own voice to make statements to challenge if the phrase is a truth or a non-truth to the body. The provider then interprets cues from the body to determine if there is an old nervous system pattern associated with that statement that needs to be addressed. If a pattern presents to be worked on, the provider will use his or her skill set to help process the old pattern and “update the system” to the present moment. (That’s right - living in the past doesn’t typically help us to be the best version of ourselves!)
Often, the patient will not even be able to say the phrase if it isn’t registering as a truth to the body. For example, saying out loud “I hope the Broncos win the Super Bowl” or “I am so proud of myself”. You may be able to feel that tightness in your throat just thinking about it…
A Simple Example
A patient traveled to Japan for two weeks. When she returned, her body clock was all out of whack. Sleep was rough, energy was low, and let’s just say she wasn’t the most patient version of herself. To check and see if there was a pattern to work on, I had her say these phrases:
“There are 24 hours in a day.” Her body’s cues indicated, “Yes,” and agreed there were 24 hours in a day. Good, she still believed she was on planet Earth.
“It is 9:36am in Kansas City.” Her body’s cues indicated, “No,” and seemed to believe otherwise. BINGO! Her nervous system hadn’t updated to Central Time in the United States.
After some targeted adjustments, we revisited the phrase, and her body accepted it. The result? She felt more energized and vibrant, and her posture even improved! She later reported that she slept much better, too!
The Path to Transformation
The possibilities with Neuroprocessing are endless, spanning various aspects of life—anxiety, performance, money, and even trauma. Here are a few phrases to consider:
Anxiety: “I easily recognize my anxiety.”
Anger: “I acknowledge that anger is unmet expectations.”
Performance: “It is safe to try new things.”
PTSD: “I allow the past to live in the past.”
Any area where you feel stuck can be explored through this transformative method. Patients are reporting this method as incredibly powerful, especially when combined with Chiropractic Adjustments, Cranial Work, and Soft Tissue therapies.