The Importance of Gratitude
You've most likely been told over and over again to "be grateful" and "count your blessings" and "be thankful for all you have". But have you ever thought about why gratitude is so important?
Gratitude helps with healing.
Each emotion that we express has it's own frequency. Some are low and some are high. Examples of lower frequency feelings include emotions such as shame, victimization, hatred, and guilt (even thinking about them may make you feel blue). These emotions are associated with what we call "dis-ease" or poor expression of health.
An example of the frequencies of emotions.
High frequency emotions raise our vibration and help us to express better health. Examples include peace, satisfaction, love, joy and enlightenment. When people experience these feelings, they tend to have less pain and discomfort.
Gratitude vibrates at about 540 MHz and is a higher frequency emotion. It is also an emotion that tends to be more easily accessible to people than some of the other high frequency emotions. The beautiful thing about gratitude is that it shifts us into a State of Receiving. Many of us are out of balance with the giving vs. receiving ratio - feeling that we give, give, give all the time but feel unworthy or uncomfortable with receiving help, love, support, and so on.
Giving and Receiving are equally important!
So take a moment and think of three things you are grateful for. Pay attention to how your body and mind respond.
Do you feel better?
Are you calmer and more grounded?
We hope so! And hopefully, that State of Receiving helps attract even more blessings!
We are so Grateful for all of YOU! Please know that as we practice gratitude, you are among the many blessings in our lives!